Sublime Text 3 - Best Packages #3

2023年2月18日—Iamworkingonaprojectwithdeepnestedfolderstructuresandlongfilenames.Itwouldbeniceifwecouldcustomizehowmuchspaceistaken ...,SidebarmenuforSublimeText.Notablyprovidesdeleteasmovetotrash,aclipboard,andfilesaffectedbyarename/movecommanda...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Make the sidebar folder tree customizeable

2023年2月18日 — I am working on a project with deep nested folder structures and long file names. It would be nice if we could customize how much space is taken ...

Side Bar Tools and Enhancements for Sublime Text. Files ...

Sidebar menu for Sublime Text. Notably provides delete as move to trash, a clipboard, and files affected by a rename/move command are closed, renamed/moved ...


Side Bar Tools and Enhancements for Sublime Text. Files and folders. Labels sidebar, folder, directory, file, clipboard. Details. Version 12.0.

Sublime Text 2

2012年8月16日 — You have to add a folder to the Sublime Text window in order to navigate via the sidebar. Go to File -> Open Folder... and select the ...

Sublime Text 3 側邊工具列『複製、貼上、新增資料夾

2017年7月20日 — 用Sublime Text Sidebar『複製、貼上、新增資料夾、移動資料』,全部都無法使用! 不過我們能安裝『SideBarEnhancements』來達成我們的需求!


Sublime Text plugin to sync project sidebar (folder view) with the currently active file. As you switch tabs Sublime highlights only files in folders that are ...

[solved] What happened to "Reveal in Sidebar" functionality in ...

2022年2月16日 — I started using Sublime Text 4 yesterday, getting back to it after few years of using Atom. I can't find a way to reveal opened file in ...

增加Sublime Text 左側Sidebar 字型大小

2023年3月16日 — Sublime Text 只能增加右側編輯器的字型大小,若要增加左側Sidebar 的字型爸小,必須手動修改主題的設定檔。

解决Sublime Text 侧边栏(sidebar folder)中文样式显示 ...

2022年4月28日 — 二、问题探索. 在官方文档中,folders 这一区域对应的是themes 里的sidebar。文件夹名、文件名对应的是sidebar_label。按官方提示,sidebar_label 是可以 ...


2023年2月18日—Iamworkingonaprojectwithdeepnestedfolderstructuresandlongfilenames.Itwouldbeniceifwecouldcustomizehowmuchspaceistaken ...,SidebarmenuforSublimeText.Notablyprovidesdeleteasmovetotrash,aclipboard,andfilesaffectedbyarename/movecommandareclosed,renamed/moved ...,SideBarToolsandEnhancementsforSublimeText.Filesandfolders.Labelssidebar,folder,directory,file,clipboard.Details.Version12.0...